Silent Focus Lapis (Special Edition) Playing Cards

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Silent Focus Lapis (Special Edition) Playing Cards
15,25 CHF
Inkl. MwSt., exkl. Versandkosten

Verfügbarkeit:  Lieferbar

Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage




Prussian Blue derives from lapis lazuli, a natural gemstone originally from Afghanistan. Prussian Blue was once one of the expensive pigments before the 18th century, as it required long-distance transportation to Europe and further refinement by alchemists, making it more costly than gold.

As a special edition of Silent Focus, Silent Focus Lapis Playing Cards are limited to 800 decks, each featuring a unique custom seal. The noble name and distinguished color chosen to depict this special edition are truly fitting!

  • Limited to 800 decks
  • Prussian Blue color scheme

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