The Top Change by Magic Christian (Hardcover)

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The Top Change by Magic Christian (Hardcover)
39,90 €
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Verfügbarkeit:  Lieferbar

Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

Erlernen sie die vielseitigsten Kartentrick-Techniken, die je erfunden wurden



Magic Christian, ein internationaler Zauberer, mehrfacher FISM-Preisträger und langjähriger österreichischer Magier, weiß mehr, hat mehr geleistet und mit dem Top Change und Bottom Change mehr Innovationen hervorgebracht als jeder lebende Magier. In The Top Change lehrt er alles, was er über diese unschätzbaren Werkzeuge weiß, und führt den Leser zu schneller Beherrschung und Möglichkeiten, die über alles hinausgehen, was man sich vorstellen kann, und beweist, dass der Top Change wirklich der Monarch of Card Sleights ist.

Dieses Buch beinhaltet die beeindruckendsten und vielseitigsten Kartentrick-Techniken, die je erfunden wurden. Erfahren Sie, welche Tools wirklich funktionieren, um Ihre Kartentricks auf ein ganz neues Level zu katapultieren.

Sie erhalten ein Buch in englischer Sprache.

"I had the privilege this week of reading Magic Christian's new book, The Top Change - The Monarch of Card Sleights. This manuscript is a scholarly work on an extraordinary card move. He covers dozens of variations and techniques, and this book is destined to become the definitive work on this subject. I highly recommend the book and can say after reading it; I am a better magician."
- Allan Ackerman

"Magic Christian's knowledge of the Top Change is incredible. He left no stone unturned, and I particularly appreciated the amount of history he shared about the move. This is a masterclass on the Top Change."
- Ryan Schlutz

"An incredible resource on a move that too many of us magicians could do and understand better. This book helps greatly with that in a very entertaining way."
- Jon Armstrong

"I love the Top Change, and now almost everything I've ever wanted to know about it is contained within this book. Thanks, Christian, for a fantastic resource!"
- Chad Long

"In order to advance in magic, we have to be broad and we have to be deep. Broad, in the sense of innovating, looking back in our history and going further in the future, deep, in the sense of looking at a specific topic, and then explore it, looking at it from all sides, discovering its beauty and complexity.
"In this book, Magic Christian does just that. In a way only few of us can, he takes one of the five big operational concepts of card magic, the Top Change, and creates a monograph that broadens our horizons and encourages us to study other topics in a similar way. For this we must thank the author. You can do this by buying this book, which has my highest recommendation."

- Roberto Giobbi

"Christian shares rare insights from Hofzinser and other past masters and provides a wealth of historical perspective. He offers his own detailed technical analysis of the sleight and a surprising number of variations and effects using them. Magic Christian's new book on the Top Change is a graduate course on one of card magic's most direct and powerful techniques and a guide that could make anyone a better magician."
- Michael Weber

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