The Time Traveller (Limited 500) by Kieron Johnson

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The Time Traveller (Limited 500) by Kieron Johnson
59,90 €
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Verfügbarkeit: nur noch wenige verfügbar

Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

A tremendous book from one of magic's great minds!



Kieron Johnson is a rising star in the magic world. He is a member of the 4F's and is an AIMC member of The Magic Circle.

Kieron has lectured at The Session, Magi-fest, twice at The Magic Circle and is booked for the 2018 Blackpool Magic Convention. He receives standing ovations wherever he has performed or lectured.

But that's not all, he has consulted on TV programmes with Troy and Ben Hanlin, advised David Blaine and has had numerous of his effects featured on TV all over the world and most recently one used to win The 2018 Magic Circle close-up competition.

He is obviously someone special to be in such demand. He has been highly influential in creating and inspiring the new age of magic we all now enjoy - the magic that moved away from conventional packet tricks and plots!

The Time Traveller is his first book in a series.

Volume 1 is a Limited Edition of 500 copies - all signed and numbered.

Take a step into the chaotic mind of Kieron Johnson, one of the most creative and off-the-wall performers you will ever meet.

You will find effects suitable for close up, parlour, and stage.

As you would expect, the ideas and concepts in this book are different from what you've seen in the past - you'll learn unique effects and will come to understand why Kieron is quite simply "A Magician Before His Time".


Produktbewertungen 1 item(s)

Klasse Effekte
Ich bin seit Jahren grosser Fan von Kieron Johnson, somit war der Kauf dieses Buch obligatorisch für mich.
Zum Buch:
Es handelt sich um ein Softbook mit 91 Seiten. DinA5, Schriftart gross gewählt, Beschreibungen oft knapp gehalten, aber zusätzlich hilfreiche Fotos. Dies lässt somit wenig Inhalt fürs Geld erwarten.
Insgesamt waren aber die Effekte die Anschaffung für mich wert. Teilweise bereits bekannte Effekte wie „To the Max“ oder „Lolly“ aber definitiv auch einige mir unbekannte.
Für mich ist der Effekt „Icead Tea“ (heisser Tee verwendelt sich in der Tasse unter der Hand des Zuschauers in Eis“ die Anschaffung wert gewesen.
Ich bin gespannt auf die Folgebände.
Review by Thomas / (Veröffentlicht am 06.03.2018)