Grandpa Magic by Workman Publishing - Book

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Grandpa Magic by Workman Publishing - Book
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116 Tricks, Stunts und Denkaufgaben



116 einfache Tricks

Erlernen Sie von einem erfolgreichen Zauberkünstler und New-York-Times-Bestseller-Autor gleich 116 großartige "Großvater"-Tricks und -Kopfnüsse, darunter den Klassiker, wie Sie eine Münze hinter dem Ohr eines Kindes hervorzaubern, Ihren Daumen verschwinden lassen und noch viele mehr!

Sie erhalten ein 208-seitiges Zauberbuch in englischer Sprache.

116 Easy Tricks, Amazing Brainteasers, and Simple Stunts to Wow the Grandkids

From a professional magician and New York Times bestselling author, 116 tricks, stunts, and brainteasers that will engage the grandchildren and provide giggles, jaw-dropping awe, and wonderful memories.

Guaranteed to make grandparenting even more fun, Grandpa Magic is sure to entertain-and crack up- the grandkids. From the old pull-a-quarter-from-behind-a-kid's-ear trick and "removing your thumb" to card tricks, stunts for the dinner table, and verbal puzzles that surprise and delight, there's something for everyone. Step-by-step illustrations make them easy to learn.

Publication date: October 30, 2018
ISBN: 9781523501052
Number of pages: 208


"Grandpa Magic is the perfect way to awaken that childlike sense of wonder in all of us... including grandparents. It's just the right cocktail of magic, mischief, and puzzles to confound children and delight the reader."
- Joshua Jay
