Bent Touch Slink by Daniel Garcia (DVD) (Ellusionist)

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Bent Touch Slink by Daniel Garcia (DVD) (Ellusionist)

Regulärer Preis: 19,95 €

Special Price 9,90 €

Inkl. MwSt., exkl. Versandkosten

Verfügbarkeit: nur noch wenige verfügbar

Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

Wieder ein kreatives Werk von Daniel Garcia. 3 Top-Effekte, die in jede Close-Up-Show passen!


3 proven winners, ALL Garcia


If you guessed that prodigy Daniel Garcia had vanished, you guessed wrong. He re-enters with three gems that will build reputation in any act.

"Bent" - a coin warps easily when simply held between the palms. Ends clean

"Touch" - a coin moves from hand to hand slowly… let them burn your hands

"Slink" - two elastic bands link and you can watch them go through each other… the most visual linking ever created

Bonus: includes Daniel's version of the elastic classic: Crazy Man's Handcuffs

3 Tricks + 1 Daniel Garcia - what more could you want?

Learn these gems. Go forth. Maximize impact.

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