No Smoking (Volume 2) by Royal Liu & Magicland

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No Smoking (Volume 2) by Royal Liu & Magicland
33,50 €
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Verfügbarkeit:  Lieferbar

Lieferzeit: ca. 8 Tage

Vol. 2 der DVD-Reihe mit Zigarettentricks.


Pigeon Load
Cigarette disappears on hands and comes out from mouth.

Sparks comes out from burning cigarette, looks like firework.

Few different tricks to let cigarette disappears and comes out.

Cigarette filter changes from brown color to white.

Cigarette ashes goes from the back of hand into the hand.

Stone, Takayama in Royal style
Some traditional tricks on cigarette.

Cigarette disappears and comes out from mouth.

No Smoking
A New disclosed and complex trick.

Bare hand lighter
Finger becomes lighter.

C.C. Zero
Combined tricks with coin & cigarette to disappear and come out.

NOTE: DVD is PAL format and may not play on most standard DVD players. However, this will play on a computer with an appropriate player.

Effects inspired by /credit to Tom Mullica, David Stone, Cyril Takayama

Product Demo