Move Zero (Vol 4) by John Bannon and Big Blind Media

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Move Zero (Vol 4) by John Bannon and Big Blind Media
32,50 €
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Verfügbarkeit:  Lieferbar

Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

Move Zero IV bietet wirklich einige SLEIGHT-FREE Kartentricks der Weltklasse



Mit Move Zero IV bringt der renommierten Kartenmeister John Bannon einige der mächtigsten und trügerischsten SLEIGHT-FREE Kartentricks ins Spiel, die je erfunden wurden. 

Nach Volume 1, 2 und 3 folgt jetzt die vierte DVD voller toller Karten-Routinen, die ohne Fingerfertigkeit, Gimmicks oder präparierte Spielkarten auskommen! Alles, was Sie brauchen, sind Sie selbst, ein herkömmliches Kartenspiel und ein Publikum, das Zeuge wahrer und hochvisueller Kartenmirakel wird. Die meisten Routinen funktionieren absolut spontan. Lassen Sie sich ein Kartenspiel geben und schon können Sie wahre Zaubermirakel vorführen!

Anhand kurzer und praktischer, aber dennoch detaillierter Anleitungen erlernen Sie eine völlig neue Denk- und Herangehensweise an Kartentricks. Darüber hinaus erlernen Sie weitere neun unbezahlbare Routinen und absolut atemberaubende Techniken, die Sie auf Ihr bisheriges Repertoire anwenden können. Damit haben Sie die einmalige Möglichkeit, Kartentricks nicht nur im Turbogang extrem aufzupeppen, sondern sogar noch neue zu entwickeln!!

Sie erhalten eine englischsprachige DVD (Laufzeit - 2 Stunden 22min ), auf der die Tricktechnik und alle erforderlichen Details professionell und ausführlich erklärt werden.


"A master course in method and self-working magic!"
- Jeff Stone, MagicReviewed

- Proximity * Second Reckoning * Trickbag - Automatic Placement Revisited * Power Of Poker * Trickbag - Bill Simon's 64 Principle * Banco * Depth Charge * Trickbag - The Slip Shuffle Force * Lost In Translation * View To A 'Skill * Go-figuration * Trickbag - Layering Methods * Triplicity * Interview - Next Steps For Learning Magic

"When it comes to zero-move card magic, Bannon is THE man! Powerful tricks, ingenious methods and beguiling presentations. The material on this disc is the work of a virtuoso."
- Mark Elsdon

"A collection of excellent sleightless, self-working tricks!"

"This DVD is Excellent! It gets the highest marks!! You should get it!!!"
- Stuart Philip, MyLovelyAssistant

"There is so much we can learn from John's experiences."
- John Teo, NingThing

"A master course in method and self-working magic!"
- Jeff Stone, MagicReviewed

"This is one of the best magic teaching DVD's I've seen!!"
- Paul Hallas

"There is something that everyone can learn on this..."
Magician's Choice, Reviewer

"This is an exceptional masterpiece sure to become a crowd favorite and instant classic."
- Magic Orthodoxy, Reviewer

"This is definitely a keeper. I made the mistake or watching it through the first time without a deck of cards in hand. Please learn from my mistake. There is a wealth of easy to do magic on this disk."
- The Magic Portal, Reviewer

"One of the best and most enjoyable DVDs I've seen in a very long time."
- MagicJunkies

"I knew it would be good, but truly it's one of the best things I've seen in years!"
- Iain Moran

"A generous insight into a devious mind. Clever, confounding card magic."

- R Paul Wilson

"The greatest collection of self-working card tricks ever released. Period."
- Cameron Francis

"A delight to watch, learn and study from. Every effect is so well layered and structured and you will not only learn the 'how's' but the all important 'whys'."
- John Carey

"It's a Bannon DVD so... just BUY IT!"
- Dave Forrest

"Where others stop digging, Bannon continues, and he comes up with diamonds."
- David Regal

"This will lead you to rethink what 'self-working' really means."
- Lance Pierce

"Rich with wonderful thinking and top-notch routines that all EASY to do."
- Peter Duffie

"John Bannon always inspires me - great DVDs - minimum effort, maximum impact - this is the stuff I like!"
- Wayne Dobson

"Man, the first trick 'Collusion' is worth the price of admission alone."
- Alan Rorrison

"As usual, Bannon knocks it out of the park."
- Caleb Wiles

"Great job on the production and the material is excellent. I give this release my highest recommendation!"
- Daryl

"John truly understands why self-working card magic can pack such a powerful punch and he shares those secrets here."
- Tim Trono

"This is a GREAT DVD which you must buy!!"
- BicycleCards

"This DVD is Excellent! It gets the highest marks!! You should get it!!! 5/5"
- The Magicians Forum

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