Captured by Justin Miller (DVD)

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Captured by Justin Miller (DVD)
30,50 CHF
Inkl. MwSt., exkl. Versandkosten

Verfügbarkeit: nur noch wenige verfügbar

Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

Eine der wohl erstaunlichsten "Cap in Bottle" Versionen überhaupt. Visueller, clean, direkt, einfach stark!


Justin Miller has created one of the most amazing Cap In Bottle effects we have ever seen. So clean. So straight-forward. It's the one you have been looking for. Comes with instructional DVD.

With additional thoughts by MUSA

"Magic as visual and direct as Captured does not come along often, it is truly a thing of beauty"
- Dan White

"All I can say is WOW! Captured has a very nice visual and audible feel to it... I LOVE IT!"
- Dan Hauss

"This takes Cap in Bottle to the NEXT level! I love that I can fimally do this is the spectators hand and I longe have to wear a PK ring."
- B. Smith

"Captured is the ONLY cap in bottle I'll ever do. This solves the problems I had with several other cap bottle routines. This trick is almost self working."
- Eric Jones

"OMG.. WTF.. This is thet SHIZNIT of Cap in bottles!"
- Chris Kenner

"Captured is truly captivating... get it... CAPtivating... ha ha"
- Danny Garcia


Produktbewertungen 1 item(s)

Guter Effekt
Der Trick kommt super, der Effekt ist toll.
Review by dominic / (Veröffentlicht am 27.01.2013)
Product Demo