Odyssey by Calen Morelli / 22mm

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Odyssey by Calen Morelli / 22mm
50,29 CHF
Inkl. MwSt., exkl. Versandkosten

Verfügbarkeit: nur noch wenige verfügbar

Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

A ring visibly jumps from finger to finger, hand to hand. / inner diameter 22mm



A ring visibly jumps from finger to finger, hand to hand. A hyper-visual miracle years in the making. A ring is fairly placed on your index finger. In a split second, the ring visibly JUMPS to your thumb. But that's just the start.The ring is then fairly and openly placed on your middle finger. Don't blink or you'll miss it - the ring impossibly TELEPORTS to the ring finger - of your OTHER hand. With a single wave, the ring melts through your finger into your open palm. The best part? It's EASY to learn - the handcrafted gimmick does the hard work for you!
A hyper-visual miracle from Calen Morelli
· Featuring 34 minutes of detailed instruction by Calen - covering seven phases and bonus ideas.
· ODYSSEY comes with an ingenious handcrafted gimmick that’s ready to go at a moment’s notice. It’s a secret weapon you’ll never want to leave home without.
· Available in three measures (inside diameter).

Produktbewertungen 1 item(s)

Unfassbar clever
Eines der besten "Ring-durch-Finger"-Gimmicks überhaupt. Ist ganz anders, als man es sich vorstellt... echt clever und der innovativste Trick, den ich seit langem in den Händen hatte. Übung ist allerdings schon erforderlich. Wichtig: Lieber eine Nummer zu groß als zu klein bestellen!
Review by Ray-Ray / (Veröffentlicht am 18.12.2017)
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