Dragon Thread Wong

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Dragon Thread Wong

Regulärer Preis: 30,50 CHF

Special Price 15,25 CHF

Inkl. MwSt., exkl. Versandkosten

Verfügbarkeit: nur noch wenige verfügbar

Lieferzeit: ca. 4 Tage

Entnehmen Sie ein Stück Faden, reissen dieses in verschiedene kurze Stücke, rollen diese zusammen und stellen Sie dieses wieder ganz her. Und sofort sind Sie wieder bereit den Trick vorzuführen. Vergessen Sie "Gypsy Thread" - jetzt kommt Dragon Thread!


Remove a 15" length of string, tear it into several small pieces and place them on a spectator's palm. Now gather the broken pieces, roll them into a ball, and proceed to unravel the fully restored string! Read that again. It sounds impossible. It looks impossible! It is impossible. But you do it and repeat it immediately - anytime, anywhere, under any conditions! Mike Wong's Dragon Thread comes with a professional shot video, complete with over the shoulder explanations. Also included is enough Dragon Thread for hundreds of performances. Forget the old way of performing Gypsy Thread - do it the WONG way!

They hear and see the thread break!

They hold the broken pieces while you show your hands empty!

The thread never leaves their sight!

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